Sailorgirlsnewadventures's Blog

{May 14, 2011}   You Might be a Corpsman if……

You Might be a corpsman if……

your peers call you and “old salt” but you’ve never been to sea.

you’ve ever searched the supply room for fallopian tubes.

you pull out a 16-gauge needle, and some Marine passes out.

you head to the Golden Corral after an autopsy.

you can do the job of any rate in the Navy; and do it better.

someone says, “I have IBM.” And you ask “What are they treating you with?”

you haven’t seen your 782 gear since you checked in.

you get CHT and CHCS confused.

sea duty consists of buildings in foreign lands out of sight of any ocean.

you think it’s against the Geneva Convention for you to have to chip paint.

you think an “all hands working party” means everyone but you.

people trust you with their life but not with their car.

your dinner conversations would chase away a cannibal.

the pattern on your pajama’s reads PROPERTY OF USNH.

you use sutures to fix your uniform.

you use hemostats to hold a vacuum hose on your car.

You’ve ever played softball after hours with a rolled up eggcrate mattress and a 1/2″ plaster roll.

You’ve ever had squirt gun fights with toomey syringes.

You’ve placed bets on how much fluid you can get in the balloon of the catheter before it pops. (not in the patient…)

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