Sailorgirlsnewadventures's Blog

{July 29, 2013}   Seattle Seattle Seattle

Well, I can firmly say that Seattle is absolutely opposite of home. I am slowly adjusting to the culture, and tend to mutter the words “Freaking hippies” at least 5 times a day now, which is a major cut back from the 50 times a day I used to say it when I first moved here. 

I have transitioned in my career from working with juveniles to working with veterans. Both jobs are near and dear to my heart, but I miss the amazing team I had back in Tulsa. This doesn’t mean that the team isn’t good here, they just lack knowing and understanding me the way that my work partner Pam did. I wish I could convince her to relocate, but I think she is pretty happy back home.

While I find myself around family again, I miss my friends. It’s so different to only have my family because I feel like I lack my confidentes. I knew back home I could call certain people when I had a bad day and they would be right there. My friends typically knew if I needed a big hug, or a swift kick in the ass to gain back my motivation. I still call them constantly from here, but a hug can’t carry across a cell phone line. While I can call my family, I still feel like they will judge me for things they believe I set myself up for, or how I didn’t follow their advice to a “t” and deserve the consequences of whatever it is. Life is an adjustment and I’m learning constantly.

Luckily the weather here has been great thus far. I think I picked the perfect time to move here, and everyone keeps telling me that. I came in the perfect season, sunny and warm but not typically hot, and hasn’t rained as much as I expected. I know it’s coming, because that is what Seattle is known for, but at least I have plenty of time to find the perfect pair of rainboots. 


{March 1, 2013}  

I’m about to start this next week, so this person had some great tips 🙂

Maybe you’ve heard of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge?  Well, this 10 Day Cleanse is the first part of that 24 Day Challenge and you might have noticed when we have cleansed in the past we have stuck to really just doing the first 10 days of that challenge, so that is an option.  Here is a list of what you will actually need for this cleanse –

  • Box of the Herbal Cleanse

  • One bottle of Omegaplex
  • One bottle of Catalyst
  • Optional: Spark

Now let’s get into more of the nitty gritty of what your food should and should not be for the 10 days that you are on the cleanse –


Refined sugars, corn or white starches

Wheat products (bread, pasta, muffins, etc.),

Dairy of any kind (milk, cheese, yogurt)

White sauces, dressings such as ranch, blue cheese

Alcohol (you can go without – it’s only 10 days)

View original post 367 more words

{February 24, 2013}   Time for a new adventure…

So I haven’t blogged in a long time, but since I am moving I think it’s the perfect time to start again, after all this blog is called Sailorgirlsnewadventure right? I’m leaving the comfort of the city I call home and am going to a city I’ve only visited once before…..that shit cray! I am glad if nothing else the military taught me how to embrace location changes and starting anew (even if my OCD hates it). 

I’m currently trying to figure out all the logistics such as new job, packing the house here and putting it on the market, dealing with wrapping up everything and seeing all the friends I’ve had here for years before I leave. My biggest challenge so far has been deciding if I should leave my household goods here in Oklahoma until I return for my best friends wedding in early June or have them professionally moved and put in storage up there. Normally if I was moving in the summer this wouldn’t be an issue or concern but due to the potential snow, ice, incliment weather as I roll through places like the Rocky Mountains, Salt Lake City, and all those cold northern places I have never been before I don’t want to endanger myself or other’s trying to pretend to know how to not only drive on that stuff but drive a Uhaul either. I’d rather pay someone. 

Another big challenge to this adventure is I am a Southern girl to the core, so moving wayyyy up north sounds like I’ll be in a parka year round. Thank God I have Uggs, maybe people won’t see how outta place I am. Well until I talk and drop the word “y’all.” 

Adios until next time…. 

ATTN Single Parents~ With the recent baby Momma and Daddy drama I want to toss out a few words to yall~respectfully. 1) Love your CHILD more then you HATE your ex, true you divorced/broke up with them but your child did not; they are still your children’s hero and you are too, to bash their parent in front of them does not help them. It makes them hurt. 2) Even if your ex is a pain in YOUR ass, don’t make it harder for them to be with their child just to be a bitch back. I am thankful that my children’s dad is in their life-even if it sucks for me sometimes. Fact is, my children deserve both a mom AND dad and be PERMITTED to love them BOTH. Not just you. And if you are FORTUNATE enough to have them locally, instead of being hateful and degrading them for everything that YOU think they fail/failed at or don’t do (to your standards) why don’t you be THANKFUL that they didn’t ABANDON their children and are doing the best that THEY can, even if YOU don’t agree. And another thing, the fact that they pay child support is awesome (even if its not enough, at least its a little-some people (like my brother) get NOTHING) to have your ex thrown in jail or fired from their job is this amazing formula that goes like this zero job+tossed in jail= NO MONEY AT ALL NOR JOB TO GIVE YOU THE “LITTLE BIT” MONEY THEY ACTUALLY DID CONTRIBUTE plus lets be honest, do you think its a great feeling for your child to find out that their Dad/Mom is in jail because they couldn’t/didn’t pay child support after you harrassed their job until they were fired? Be grateful you have someone there, there are TONS of men and women who leave and never come around their children again. Don’t contribute to your child being abandoned because you are an emotional ass who can’t seem to believe that you are ever in the wrong. If all you do is bitch and nag that person away then YOU have failed your child. Your job is to be there for your child and raise them up. If you thow your children under the bus by turning YOUR hurt or angry feelings at that other person by attacking them and saying your just doing it for your kids sake. BULLSHIT!!! If you have to toss in “Im doing this because I am a good mother” or “For MY/our children’s sake….” then your probably not doing it for their sake, its your own emotional word vomit that you angled to have an excuse for. MAN/WOMAN up and stop making your childs lives harder. Stop being the reason your children are father/motherless, stop being the reason your children are upset because they have to pick between two people who they love and/or stop poisoning your children against the other parent because you are some sick hateful bitter person who hates the other. BE A PARENT AND PUT THE KIDS NEEDS FIRST. Be a Mom, be a Dad and be thankful that you have the opportunity to have your child loved by more then just you. I might not love Chris, nor Ashley but I am THANKFUL that they love my kids as much as I do, and I am glad they treat my children well. I also know how glad my children are to have THREE people and each of our extended families who would do anything in the world for my kids. My children are happy, healthy and loved. and are allowed to love all of us back, and not worry about anything else as we are mature enough even when its hard to handle things like PARENTS and ADULTS and FUNCTIONAL FAMILIES. Just because your DIVORCED or BROKEN UP doesn’t mean you are not a family, like it or lump it. When you CHOSE to have that amazing beautiful son or daughter you CHOSE to be a family with that person forever~the child didn’t chose to be there, you did. Be a parent.

The history of the Navy hospital corpsman dates back to the Spanish-American War. The Marines needed a field medic and looked to the Navy to provide one. Since then, each time a Marine is wounded, he or she is turned to the sailor whose uniform is stitched with a caduceus—the well-known symbol of two intertwined snakes on a winged staff often used as an emblem for healers.
Navy corpsmen have served in some of the most harrowing battles of the last century. They have earned a disproportionate share of accolades and awards and suffered a similarly large percentage of casualties.
Despite both services operating beneath the umbrella of the Navy, Marines and sailors hold an intense traditional rivalry. When new hospital corpsmen are assigned to Marine units, the Marines may tease them, calling them “squids” or worse. Still, the hospital corpsmen have to learn to think, act and react with the speed of their Marine unit. Sometimes they are forced to grab a weapon. Before that, they are the ones reaching for the first aid kit.
When a hospital corpsman is first attached to a unit, the Marines will call the sailor by his first or last name, or maybe just “corpsman”. Eventually, when sailors earn the Marines’ respect, they are called “doc”. Once the fighting begins, the corpsman’s duty is usually one of the riskiest—the corpsmen carry their own weapons along with loads of medical gear. The Marines say they will take a bullet for the corpsman because he or she is the only one who can take it out.

You Might be a corpsman if……

your peers call you and “old salt” but you’ve never been to sea.

you’ve ever searched the supply room for fallopian tubes.

you pull out a 16-gauge needle, and some Marine passes out.

you head to the Golden Corral after an autopsy.

you can do the job of any rate in the Navy; and do it better.

someone says, “I have IBM.” And you ask “What are they treating you with?”

you haven’t seen your 782 gear since you checked in.

you get CHT and CHCS confused.

sea duty consists of buildings in foreign lands out of sight of any ocean.

you think it’s against the Geneva Convention for you to have to chip paint.

you think an “all hands working party” means everyone but you.

people trust you with their life but not with their car.

your dinner conversations would chase away a cannibal.

the pattern on your pajama’s reads PROPERTY OF USNH.

you use sutures to fix your uniform.

you use hemostats to hold a vacuum hose on your car.

You’ve ever played softball after hours with a rolled up eggcrate mattress and a 1/2″ plaster roll.

You’ve ever had squirt gun fights with toomey syringes.

You’ve placed bets on how much fluid you can get in the balloon of the catheter before it pops. (not in the patient…)


Teach me, Instructor, I need to know more.
Is being a “Doc” different since I’ll be in the “Corps”?
Marine boot camp is over – now comes your class.
Viet Nam will come quickly…please teach me fast.

Triage and cut-downs, chest wounds and such…
You say battle dressings will be my “best friend”!
Tourniquets, hemostats…and it all starts again.
Traches, amputations, and of course CPR,
White phosphorous and A.K. wounds…I’m with you so  far.
Give us your wisdom…help us prepare,
For when the wounded start falling, you won’t be there.

My tour is long over.  Do you mind if I share
Some thoughts so the next “Doc” will be more prepared?
There may be a Marine bleeding and as you fight for his  life
He’ll whisper, “If I die, Doc, will you please write my wife?”

Teach me, Instructor, when the firefight is done
To ignore that the Corporal had a wife and 2 sons.
Or when the boobytrap smoke clears and the med-evac’s in,
The man in the poncho is my very best friend.

You helped me save lives, But it’s not over yet…
Teach me, Instructor, How to forget.

Doc Hutch
Jan. 17, 2000

1. Have a friend ride in the back seat. Gagged.
2. Roll down your windows and blast talk radio. Headbang.
3. Wear snorkel gear and hang fish around from the ceiling.
4. Two words: Chicken suit.
5. Write the words “Help me” on your back window in red paint. The more it looks like blood, the better.
6. Pay the toll for the car behind you. Watch in rearview mirror as toll collector tries to explain to next driver.
7. Laugh. Laugh a lot. A whooooole lot.
8. Stop at the green lights.
9. Go at the red ones.
10. Occasionally wave a stuffed animal/troll doll/Barbie out your window or sunroof. Feel free to make it dance.
11. Eat food that requires silverware.
12. Put your arms down the legs of an extra pair of trousers, put sneakers on your hands, and lean the seat back as you drive.
13. At stop lights, eye the person in the next car suspiciously. With a look of fear, suddenly lock your doors.
14. Honk frequently without motivation.
15. Wave at people often. If they wave back, offer an offended and angry look as if they gave you an obscene gesture.
16. At stop lights, ask people if they have any Grey Poupon.
17. Let pedestrians know who’s boss.
18. Look behind you frequently, with a very paranoid look.
19. Restart your car at every stop light.
20. Hang numerous car-fresheners in the rear-view mirror. Talk to them, stroking them lovingly.
21. Lob burning things in the windows of smokers who throw their butts out the window.
22. Keep at least five cats in the car.
23. Squeegee your windshield at every stop.
24. If an fire truck comes up behind you, pull over, get on the roof of your car, and do a cheer for them as they pass!
25. Compliment other drivers on their skill and finesse.
26. Have conversations, looking periodically at the passenger seat, when driving alone.
27. Stop and collect roadkill.
28. Stop and pray for roadkill.
29. Stop and cook roadkill. (If in Tennessee.)
30. Throw Spam. Tape signs on windows protesting email abuse.
31. Get in the fast lane and gradually… slow… down… to…a stop. Then get out and watch the cars.
32. Vary your vehicle’s speed inversely with the speed limit.
33. Drive off an exit ramp, ask for directions to the town you’re in. When they tell you you’re there, look confused, glance at your map, laugh, and exclaim, “Oh! Wrong state!”
34. Sing without having the radio on.
35. At stop lights, run out of your car, place pylons around you, then gather them back up as the light changes and drive off…

{April 22, 2011}   Blogging

Remember when I had a life and enough time to update this bad boy? Yeah, me either, thats how long it’s been. Maybe this summer I will have more time???

1. You just can’t walk past a Banana Republic store without making a purchase.
2. You own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches and you carry a man-purse.

3. You see a stylist instead of a barber, because barbers don’t do highlights.

4. You can make her lamb shanks and risotto for dinner and Eggs Benedict for breakfast… all from scratch.

5. You only wear Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.

6. You shave more than just your face. You also exfoliate and moisturize.

7. You would never, ever own a pickup truck.

8. You can’t imagine a day without hair styling products.

9. You’d rather drink wine than beer… but you’ll find out what estate and vintage first.

10. Despite being flattered (even proud) that gay guys hit on you, you still find the thought of actually getting intimate with another man truly repulsive.

“Some people think he’s gay, but he’s actually metrosexual.”


et cetera