Sailorgirlsnewadventures's Blog

{October 8, 2011}   ATTN Single Parents with Baby Momma/Daddy Drama

ATTN Single Parents~ With the recent baby Momma and Daddy drama I want to toss out a few words to yall~respectfully. 1) Love your CHILD more then you HATE your ex, true you divorced/broke up with them but your child did not; they are still your children’s hero and you are too, to bash their parent in front of them does not help them. It makes them hurt. 2) Even if your ex is a pain in YOUR ass, don’t make it harder for them to be with their child just to be a bitch back. I am thankful that my children’s dad is in their life-even if it sucks for me sometimes. Fact is, my children deserve both a mom AND dad and be PERMITTED to love them BOTH. Not just you. And if you are FORTUNATE enough to have them locally, instead of being hateful and degrading them for everything that YOU think they fail/failed at or don’t do (to your standards) why don’t you be THANKFUL that they didn’t ABANDON their children and are doing the best that THEY can, even if YOU don’t agree. And another thing, the fact that they pay child support is awesome (even if its not enough, at least its a little-some people (like my brother) get NOTHING) to have your ex thrown in jail or fired from their job is this amazing formula that goes like this zero job+tossed in jail= NO MONEY AT ALL NOR JOB TO GIVE YOU THE “LITTLE BIT” MONEY THEY ACTUALLY DID CONTRIBUTE plus lets be honest, do you think its a great feeling for your child to find out that their Dad/Mom is in jail because they couldn’t/didn’t pay child support after you harrassed their job until they were fired? Be grateful you have someone there, there are TONS of men and women who leave and never come around their children again. Don’t contribute to your child being abandoned because you are an emotional ass who can’t seem to believe that you are ever in the wrong. If all you do is bitch and nag that person away then YOU have failed your child. Your job is to be there for your child and raise them up. If you thow your children under the bus by turning YOUR hurt or angry feelings at that other person by attacking them and saying your just doing it for your kids sake. BULLSHIT!!! If you have to toss in “Im doing this because I am a good mother” or “For MY/our children’s sake….” then your probably not doing it for their sake, its your own emotional word vomit that you angled to have an excuse for. MAN/WOMAN up and stop making your childs lives harder. Stop being the reason your children are father/motherless, stop being the reason your children are upset because they have to pick between two people who they love and/or stop poisoning your children against the other parent because you are some sick hateful bitter person who hates the other. BE A PARENT AND PUT THE KIDS NEEDS FIRST. Be a Mom, be a Dad and be thankful that you have the opportunity to have your child loved by more then just you. I might not love Chris, nor Ashley but I am THANKFUL that they love my kids as much as I do, and I am glad they treat my children well. I also know how glad my children are to have THREE people and each of our extended families who would do anything in the world for my kids. My children are happy, healthy and loved. and are allowed to love all of us back, and not worry about anything else as we are mature enough even when its hard to handle things like PARENTS and ADULTS and FUNCTIONAL FAMILIES. Just because your DIVORCED or BROKEN UP doesn’t mean you are not a family, like it or lump it. When you CHOSE to have that amazing beautiful son or daughter you CHOSE to be a family with that person forever~the child didn’t chose to be there, you did. Be a parent.

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